Infuse over 40 Prosperity Affirmations into your consciousness to manifest money.
You also have access to free prosperity books and prosperity affirmations from Louise Hay, Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn.
These affirmations are from my favorite prosperity books:
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, has completely changed my money consciousness.
Dr Joseph Murphy says, "Wealth
is simply a subconscious conviction on the part of the individual. You
will not become a millionaire by saying, "I am a millionaire, I am a
millionaire. You will grow into a wealth consciousness by building into
your mentality the idea of wealth and abundance."
You can access Dr Joseph Murphy's wisdom via our exclusive book bundle.
I use this affirmation daily – multiple times. It is from The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.
If you repeat this affirmation daily with feeling—without thinking about how things will come to fruition—you will have many stories of money flowing naturally into your life.
Dr Murphy says, "Let this be your daily affirmation; write it in your heart."
"It is my right to be rich, happy, and successful.
Money flows to me freely, copiously, and endlessly.
I am forever conscious of my true worth.
I give of my talents freely, and I am wonderfully blessed financially.
It is wonderful!"
I have created these affirmations over the years.
You'll see that I use the words millions and multi-millionaire. If you don't feel comfortable with these words, that's okay, just use wealth or wealthy instead.
Rather than saying: "I am so grateful for the millions of dollars in my life." You could say: "I am so grateful for the wealth in my life."
It really all depends on how you feel about what you're saying...if you feel like a phony, then there's little use repeating affirmations that are a stretch for you.
Here are some more prosperity affirmations I have collected from various sources over time. Infuse these affirmations into your consciousness and increase the flow of money into your life.
This short story "A Millionaire's Secret" is by an anonymous author and does not fall under copyright.
Feel free to share and use this work as you please.
I do ask that you do not change it or charge for it.
Pass it along freely to others as I have to you.
I have found no truer words than those contained within this simple, but profound story.
Hands down the best book I have ever read on Money is Esther and Jerry Hicks' Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness.
This book shows the absolute correlation between the thoughts you think about money, the way you feel when you think those thoughts—and the money that flows into your experience.
Read an excerpt from Money and the Law of Attraction and learn more about the book.
The way to wealth and prosperity is through your thoughts, feelings
and imagination. I understand that this sounds 'airy fairy'...I used to
think the same. If what you have been doing up to this point to achieve
wealth and prosperity, hasn't worked, give these steps a go.
Wealth isn't just about the money in your bank account. Wealth is about the richness of everything in your life!
Find one (everyone has at least one) thing that you truly love, love, love in your life and revel in the beauty of that thing.
Write about how beautiful that thing is, how much you love it and why you love it. Let the warmth, love and gratitude ooze from every inch of your being.
Here's two examples of things I love in my life.
The Secret Gratitude Book is an incredibly powerful tool to assist you in showing gratitude in every aspect of your life. Filled with insights and wisdom from Rhonda Byrne, this beautiful journal offers a framework for practicing the power of gratitude each day, enabling you to attract every magnificent thing you want into your life.
Take this step one day or one hour at a time, it can be tough when you first start.
Take the opportunity to see the glass as half full in every circumstance.
When you start to complain about a situation, try and see it from another, more positive, perspective.
If you just can't bring yourself to feel any good thoughts about the issue or circumstance, take your mind off the subject altogether and think of something that does make you happy.
That something doesn't have to be related to your issue. It can be anything—a pet, a nice meal, a pleasant person, a sports game—whatever, just use that something to make yourself feel better and take your mind off what you are experiencing.
When you focus on what you want instead of what you don't want—what you don't want fades away and what you do want appears...because what you think about, you bring about.
Exactly as the title suggests. Feel the feeling of what it would be like if you had all the money you wanted now.
This really isn't that hard to do. It's just day dreaming. I also read oodles and oodles of free PDF books to keep myself in this space. My favorite books are by Neville Goddard. His book, Feeling is the Secret, best depicts how to get into this feeling space.
Along with Abraham Hicks Publications, Neville's books have helped me to completely transform my world.
You might also like to treat yourself to the 15-Minute Manifestation recordings to help you relax, access your subconscious mind and harness your innate personal power.
I don't know how they work, I just know they work! It's really none of our business how it works.
There's an invisible energy force that is more intelligent than we could ever fathom.
It is contained within you, step aside and allow it to do its work.
Just do the above one day at a time and see the difference in your life. Not only in terms of money, but in terms of everything you desire.
If you're looking for a little inspiration check out prosperity and money affirmations by Louise Hay, Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn.
A mistake we all make is to do this diligently for a day and then say, "well, that didn't work!"
Try for longer than one day and don't look for results. Each time you look you are saying to the Universe—I don't have it yet, where is it?
If you rest in the knowledge that what you are seeking has already been created and is on its way to you, it will come so fast your head will spin.
There is a vast flowing river of money in the world—you just need to know where and when to dip your bucket in and start collecting it. You can even carve out a diversion and direct large volumes of the money river in your direction. That's all the super rich have done.
Everyone wants to be rich. Don't they? So why do only a few reach those heights? How do millions of people work their fingers to the bone yet end up broke?
It's not about luck
Most millionaires will tell you that luck played a large part in their success—and you could stop there, assuming that unless you get lucky, you won't get rich.
But then if you look a little deeper, you uncover something else—something all successful people have in common—the abundance mentality.
And even more interestingly, millionaires don't have much else in common—there's no standard for academic achievement. Richard Branson and many other entrepreneurs are dyslexic, there's no commonality of family background, there's no 'special knowledge' that these people possess.
It's about your mindset
When it comes down to it, success is down to your mindset—the habits, attitudes and behaviors you use every day that move you, step-by-step, towards millionaire status.
This abundance mindset mentality is designed to program your subconscious mind with these common attitudes of millionaires.
Check out our very popular Free Prosperity Books on the Law of Attraction and Metaphysics.
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Are you wondering what affirmations are, how to use these prosperity affirmations, or how to write your own affirmations?
Finding out is a whole lot of fun and will transform your life on every level.
For more information visit Affirmations That Work and Affirmations Made Easy.
Discover more prosperity affirmations with Louise Hay, Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn.
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