Catherine Ponder Affirmations

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Claim Your Copy of Your Healing Light: Inspiring Quotes, Uplifting Affirmations, and Heartfelt Prayers for Health and Healing

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Catherine Ponder has taught me many things and helped me in countless ways. The two teachings that have struck a chord with me most are these:

1. When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free. Catherine illustrates how you can be 'blessed with forgiveness' in Catherine Ponder Speaks.

2. When people bother you in any way, it is because their souls are trying to get your divine attention and your blessing.  If we allow it, this is is where The Miracle of Love can intervene.

Knowing this has caused me to look at people and situations from a completely different, and without doubt, better, perspective.

Many of Catherine's affirmations reference God. If you're not comfortable with that term, just replace it with one you prefer, such as 'the Universe' or 'Infinite Intelligence'. It doesn't really matter, it is all one and the same energy.

Daily Affirmation Handbook
Daily Affirmation Handbook

Catherine Ponder Books

Read Open Your Mind to Receive by Catherine Ponder.

You can also read The Miracle of Love from the first chapter of The Prospering Power of Love.

Other inspiring reads are Catherine Ponder Speaks and The Prosperity Laws of Receiving.

Check out our very popular Free PDF Books on the Law of Attraction and Metaphysics.

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Affirmations That Work

Are you wondering what affirmations are, how to use affirmations, or how to write your own affirmations?

Finding out is a whole lot of fun and will transform your life on every level.

For more information visit Affirmations That Work and Affirmations Made Easy.

More Affirmations

Discover more affirmations with Louise Hay and Florence Scovel Shinn.

Enjoy Catherine Ponder's Prosperity Affirmations
Enjoy Catherine Ponder's Love Affirmations
Enjoy Catherine Ponder's Health Affirmations

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