Florence Scovel Shinn
Career Affirmations

These career affirmations are from the book Your Word is Your Wand.

Many of Florence's affirmations can be found in her books.

You also have access to career affirmations by Louise Hay.

Whenever you feel doubt or frustration about your career infuse your subconscious mind with affirmations.

Here's one from Catherine Ponder to get you started:

I am now activated by Divine Intelligence,
motivated by Divine Love and guided by Divine Power into my right work,
which I perform in a perfect way for perfect pay.
The Divine plan of my life now takes shape in definite concrete experiences,
leading to perfect health, happiness, success and prosperity.

Discover how to reduce interview anxiety and improve workplace performance with self hypnosis.

Career Affirmations

Daily Affirmation Handbook

Daily Affirmation Handbook

My Career Affirmations

Interview Affirmation

The following affirmation is from Your Word Is Your Wand.

  • There is no competition on the Spiritual plane. What is mine is given me, under grace.
  • I am identified in love with the Spirit of this person (or persons). God protects my interest and the Divine Idea now comes out of this situation.

Discover how to beat interview anxiety and boost performance with self hypnosis.

Discover more career affirmations by Louise Hay.

Kickstart Your Career

Career stagnation chokes creativity, squashes motivation and sucks energy faster than an old school Discman. Upgrading your work skills and attitude can kickstart your career and help you climb the ladder, no matter what wall it's on.

Challenge keeps us happy, healthy and connected. If you're not challenged at work, then you're missing a massive opportunity to grow and develop as a valuable member of society. Not to mention growing your pay packet. Start today to build a challenging career that's right for you.

Free Florence Scovel Shinn Books

Below you will find free books and affirmations by Florence in PDF format. 

You can also read Free PDF Books on the Law of Attraction and Metaphysics.

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Success Books

Enjoy these popular books on success. Most of them are free!

Affirmations That Work

Are you wondering what affirmations are, how to use affirmations, or how to write your own affirmations?

Finding out is a whole lot of fun and will transform your life on every level.

For more information visit Affirmations That Work and Affirmations Made Easy.

More Affirmations

Enjoy more Career Affirmations with Louise Hay.

Louise Hay Affirmations - I Can Do It
Catherine Ponder Affirmations
Infuse Your Mind with these Daily Affirmations to Manifest Your Desires

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