Louise Hay Affirmations

Here you will find Louise Hay affirmations on weight loss and health, along with free books on health and fitness.

You also have access to health affirmations by Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn.

Daily Affirmation Handbook

Daily Affirmation Handbook

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New Thought Patterns

In the final chapter of You Can Heal Your Life Louise has a list of ailments.

She states the likely cause of a particular condition and then provides a new thought pattern in the form of an affirmation to assist you in healing yourself. Here are a few examples:

Problem: Addictions
Probable Cause: 
Running from the self. Fear. Not knowing how to love the self.

New Thought Pattern: I now discover how wonderful I am. I choose to love and enjoy myself.

Problem: High Blood Pressure
Probable Cause: Longstanding emotional problem not solved.

New Thought Pattern: I joyously release the past. I am at peace.

Problem: Fat
Probable Cause: 
Represents protection. Oversensitivity.

New Thought Pattern: I am protected by Divine Love. I am always safe and secure.

Health and Healing Affirmation

This health affirmation can be offered as a prayer. It is excerpted from "The Body" chapter in Louise's book.

In the infinity of life where I am,
all is perfect, whole and complete.
I recognize my body as a good friend.
Each cell in my body has Divine Intelligence.
I listen to what it tells me,
and know that its advice is valid.
I am always safe and Divinely protected and guided.
I choose to be healthy and free.
All is well in my world.

Affirmations that Work

Are you wondering what affirmations are, how to use these Louise Hay Affirmations, or how to write your own affirmations?

Finding out is a whole lot of fun and will transform your life on every level.

For more information visit Affirmations That Work and Affirmations Made Easy.

More Health Affirmations

Discover more health affirmations with Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn.

Enjoy Catherine Ponder's Health Affirmations
Discover Health Affirmations by Florence Scovel Shinn
Louise Hay Affirmations - I Can Do It

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