Florence Scovel Shinn
Guidance Affirmations

These guidance affirmations are from the book Your Word is Your Wand.

Daily Affirmation Handbook
Daily Affirmation Handbook

Many of Florence's affirmations can be found in her books.

You also have access to more affirmations by Louise Hay and Catherine Ponder.

More Guidance Affirmations

  • There are no mysteries in the Kingdom. Whatever I should know will now be revealed to me, under grace.
  • All power is given unto me to be meek and lowly of heart. I am willing to come last, therefore, I come first.
  • I now place my personal will upon the altar. Your will, not my will; Your way, not my way; Your time, not my time - and in the twinkling of an eye it is done!
  • I am a perfect non-resistant instrument for God to work through, and His perfect plan for me now comes to pass in a magic way.
  • My angel of destiny goes before me, keeping me in the Way.

Free Florence Scovel Shinn Books

Below you will find free books by Florence in PDF format.

You can also read Free PDF Books on the Law of Attraction and Metaphysics.

Affirmations That Work

Are you wondering what affirmations are, how to use affirmations, or how to write your own affirmations?

Finding out is a whole lot of fun and will transform your life on every level.

For more information visit Affirmations That Work and Affirmations Made Easy.

More Affirmations

Louise Hay Affirmations - I Can Do It
Catherine Ponder Affirmations
Florence Scovel Shinn Affirmations

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