Metaphysical Bookstore

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Claim Your Copy of Your Healing Light: Inspiring Quotes, Uplifting Affirmations, and Heartfelt Prayers for Health and Healing

In the metaphysical bookstore you will find a list of all the Authors and Free PDF Books on this site.

My Favorite Authors

I'm often asked who my favorite author is, so I thought I'd put together this list.

If I was forced to choose only one, it would be Neville Goddard.

US Andersen
Joseph Benner
Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard Books
Napoleon Hill
Joseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy Lectures
Catherine Ponder
Florence Scovel Shinn
Wallace D Wattles

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Free PDF Books

James Allen

Learn more about James Allen and buy his books.

Above Life's Turmoil 
As a Man Thinketh 
Book of Meditations
From Poverty to Power 
The Life Triumphant 
The Way of Peace

Uell Stanley Andersen

Learn more about Uell Stanley Andersen and buy his books.

The Magic in Your Mind

William Walker Atkinson

Learn more about William Walker Atkinson and buy his books.

Nuggets of the New Thought
The Law of the New Thought
Thought Force
Thought Vibration

Genevieve Behrend

Learn more about Genevieve Behrend and buy her books.

Your Invisible Power
Attaining Your Desires

Elsie Lincoln Benedict

Learn more about Elsie Lincoln Benedict and buy her books.

How to Unlock Your Subconscious Mind

Joseph Benner

Learn more about Joseph Benner and buy his books.

The Impersonal Life
The Teacher

The Way Out
The Way Beyond
The Way to the Kingdom

Robert Bitzer

Learn more about Robert Bitzer and buy his books.

All Power to You

Kate Atkinson Boehme

Learn more about Kate Atkinson Boehme and buy her books.

Mental Healing Made Plain
New Thought Healing Made Plain
Thinking in the Heart

Harriette Emilie Cady

Learn more about Harriette Emilie Cady and buy her books.

God A Present Help
Lessons in Truth
Miscellaneous Writings

Jack Canfield

Learn more about Jack Canfield and buy his books.

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
The Success Principles

Robert Collier

Learn more about Robert Collier and buy his books.

The Secret of the Ages

Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie

Learn more about Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie and buy his books.

Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion

Malinda Cramer

Learn more about Malinda Cramer and buy her books.

Divine Science & Healing
Health Treatment of Truth

Horatio Dresser

Learn more about Horatio Dresser and buy his books.

A History of the New Thought Movement
A Physician to the Soul
Education & the Philosophical Ideal
Man & The Divine Order
Spiritual Health & Healing
The Heart of It
The Power of Silence
The Quimby Manuscripts
Voices of Hope

Alan Drew

Self Help Techniques

Charles Fillmore

Learn more about Charles Fillmore and buy his books.

Atom-Smashing Power of the Mind
The Invisible Resource

Neville Goddard Books

Learn more about Neville Goddard and buy his books.

At Your Command
Awakened Imagination
Feeling is the Secret
How to Manifest Your Desires
Out of This World
Prayer: The Art of Believing
Seedtime & Harvest
The Creative Use of Imagination
The Law & The Promise
The Power of Awareness
The Search
Your Faith is Your Fortune

Neville Goddard Lectures

Learn more about Neville Goddard and buy his books.

A Lesson In Scripture
A Movement Within God
A Prophecy
A Riddle
All That Is Divine
All That You Behold
All Things Are Possible Part 1
All Things Are Possible Part 2
All Things Exist
An Inner Conviction
Believe In Him
Believe It In
Brazen Impudence
Changing the Feeling of 'I'
Control Your Inner Conversations
Correct Prayer
Imagination Creates Reality
Infinite States
The Creator
The Game of Life
The Knowledge of God
The Law
The Source
The True Knowledge of God
Where Are You From?
Who Am I?
You Are A Cosmic Being
Yours for the Taking

Neville Goddard Stories

Learn more about Neville Goddard and buy his books.

1. A Doctor and his wife get an apartment with no money...
2. This divorcee manifested a new car with little money...
3. A family imagined sleeping in their new home until it was theirs...
4. A family bought a home that realtors said didn't exist...
5. This woman attracted a new home and a new husband...
6. This woman married the man of her dreams...
7. A Negro man blasted the boundaries created by his skin color...
8. This woman bought a new home by the ocean...
9. This man became an outrigger canoe world champion...

Charles Haanel

Learn more about Charles Haanel and buy his books.

Mental Chemistry
The Master Key System

Henry Thomas Hamblin

Learn more about Henry Thomas Hamblin and buy his books.

Dynamic Thought
Within You Is The Power

Napoleon Hill

Learn more about Napoleon Hill and buy his books.

Grow Rich with Peace of Mind
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons
Think & Grow Rich
You Can Work Your Own Miracles

Ernest Holmes

Learn more about Ernest Holmes and buy his books.

Creative Mind & Success
The Science of Mind
This Thing Called You

Fenwicke Holmes

Learn more about Fenwicke Holmes and buy his books.

The Law of Mind in Action

Gardner Hunting

Learn more about Gardner Hunting and buy his books.

Working With God

Christian Larson

Learn more about Christian Larson and buy his books.

Brains & How to Get Them
How the Mind Works
How to Stay Well
In the Light of the Spirit
Just Be Glad
On the Heights
Poise & Power
Steps in Human Progress
The Good Side of Christian Science
The Great Within
The Ideal Made Real
The Pathway of Roses
The Scientific Training of Children
Thinking for Results
What Is Truth
Your Forces & How to Use Them

Michael Lee

Learn more about Michael Lee.

How to Attract Abundance

Mildred Mann

Learn more about Mildred Mann and buy her books.

How to Find Your Real Self
Pragmatic Mysticism

Orison Swett Marden

Learn more about Orison Swett Marden and buy his books.

Every Man A King
He Who Thinks He Can
How to Get What You Want
Love's Way
Optimistic Life
Peace Power & Plenty
Rising in the World
The Joys of Living
The Miracle of Right Thought
Why Grow Old?

John Dennis McDonald

Learn more about John Dennis McDonald and buy his books.

The Message of a Master

Annie Rix Militz

Learn more about Annie Rix Militz and buy her books.

All Things Are Possible
Child Unfoldment
Primary Lessons in Christian Living
Prosperity Through Spirituality

Prentice Mulford

Learn more about Prentice Mulford and buy his books.

Thoughts Are Things

Dr Joseph Murphy Books

Learn more about Dr Joseph Murphy and buy his books and lectures.

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
Step This Way for Healing
The Cosmic Energizer
The Miracles of Your Mind
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Your Infinite Power to be Rich

Dr Joseph Murphy Lectures

Learn more about Dr Joseph Murphy and buy his books and lectures.

Believe In Yourself
Health & Healing
Law of Attraction
Law of Mind
Law of Opulence
The Healing Connection
Wealth Mindset
Your Friend: The Subconscious Mind

Ruud Muschter

Mysticism: Create Your Own World

Norman Vincent Peale

Learn more about Norman Vincent Peale and buy his books.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Catherine Ponder

Learn more about Catherine Ponder and buy her books.

Open Your Mind to Receive
Discover the Ponder inspired quotes, affirmations and prayers in Your Healing Light.

Earl Prevette

Learn more about Earl Prevette and buy his books.

How to Turn Your Ability Into Cash

Jane Roberts

Learn more about Jane Roberts and buy her books.

Dreams, Evolution & Value Fulfillment
Seth Speaks
The Individual & The Nature of Mass Events
The Nature of Personal Reality

Florence Scovel Shinn

Learn more about Florence Scovel Shinn and buy her books.

The Game of Life
The Power of the Spoken Word
The Secret Door to Success
Your Word is Your Wand

Imelda Shanklin

Learn more about Imelda Shanklin and buy her books.

What Are You?

Elizabeth Towne

Learn more about Elizabeth Towne and buy her books.

Happiness & Marriage
How to Use New Thought in Home Life
The Life Power and How to Use It
You and Your Forces

Ralph Waldo Trine

Learn more about Ralph Waldo Trine and buy his books.

Every Living Creature
In the Fire of the Heart
In the Hollow of His Hand
In Tune with the Infinite
On the Open Road
The Greatest Thing Ever Known
The Higher Powers of Mind & Spirit
The Land of Living Men
The World's Balance Wheel
This Mystical Life of Ours
Through the Sunlit Year
What All the World's A-Seeking

Thomas Troward

Learn more about Thomas Troward and buy his books.

Bible Mystery & Bible Meaning
The Creative Process in the Individual
The Dore Lectures
The Edinburgh Lectures
The Hidden Power & Other Papers
The Law & The Word

Wallace D Wattles

Learn more about Wallace Delois Wattles and buy his books.

The Science of Getting Rich
The Science of Being Great
The Science of Being Well

Neale Donald Walsch

Learn more about Neale Donald Walsch and buy his books.

Communion with God
Conversations with God Book 1
Conversations with God Book 2

Janet Young

The Subconscious Mind & Its Illuminating Light

Wealth & Prosperity Books

A Millionaire's Secret
As A Man Thinketh
Creative Mind and Success
Grow Rich with Peace of Mind
How to Manifest Your Desires 
How to Turn Your Ability Into Cash
Napoleon Hill's Awesome Secret
Open Your Mind to Receive 
Secrets of the Rich 
Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck 
The Golden Rules for Acquiring Wealth 
The Greatest Money Making Secret in History 
The Path to Prosperity 
The Prosperity Laws of Receiving
The Science of Getting Rich
Think and Grow Rich

Personal Development Books

Body Language Magic
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
Developing A Success Mindset
Discover Your Life Purpose
I Can, Therefore I Will
Law of Attraction
Manifesting with Visualisation
Motivating Your Way to Success

Motivation 101
Neurolinguistic Programming
Powerful Ways to Sharpen Your Memory
Pushing Your Limits
Reaching Your Goals
Single-Minded Focus
The Seven Keys to Success
Unleash the Creative New You!
What is Personal Development?

Self Improvement Books

Advanced Hypnosis
Affirmations for Success
Confident Kids
How to Raise Your Self Esteem
Keeping Spirituality
Raising Children Who Succeed
Reaching Your Full Potential
So...You Want to be a Writer
The Power of Gratitude
Unshakeable Self Confidence
Wishes & Prayers
Your Personal Excellence

Health & Fitness Books

Eating for Success
Exploring EFT
From Fat to Flat
How to Stay Young
Listening to the Binaural Beat
Free Yourself from Panic Attacks
Potent Foods
What You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea
How to Eliminate Stress & Anxiety from Your Life
Winning the Weight Loss Battle

Free PDF Books

Over 175 Free PDF Books on the Law of Attraction and Metaphysical Works
Over 175 Free PDF Books on the Law of Attraction and Metaphysical Works
Over 175 Free PDF Books on the Law of Attraction and Metaphysical Works

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All our online hypnotherapy audios have been carefully crafted by professional hypnotherapist educators with a proven
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