Louise Hay Affirmations

Daily Affirmation Handbook
Daily Affirmation Handbook

The links below will take you to over 70 Louise Hay affirmations on:

You also have access to Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn affirmations.

What Are Affirmations?

Louise describes affirmations as 'A way of opening the door and starting out on a path to change'.

She says that an affirmation is anything we say or think and she believes the majority of what we say and think is quite negative.

Every thought we think and every word we say is an affirmation.

Doing affirmations sends a message to our subconscious mind letting it know that we're taking responsibility for our life and what we're creating.

By "doing" Louise means saying an affirmation to negate something unpleasant in our life or saying an affirmation to create something pleasant in our life.

Louise advises us to be aware of our thoughts and eliminate those that are creating experiences that we do not want. She says to use affirmations for a period of 30 days until they permeate our consciousness and become a part of us.

She believes the tools we need to change our lives for the better already exist within us; and these tools are our thoughts and beliefs.

Louise Hay Books

Read chapter one from Louise's best-selling book You Can Heal Your Life.

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Louise and Florence Scovel Shinn

In 2013, Hay House posthumously published a book by Florence called The Magic Path of Intuition.

Louise Hay has this to say about Florence Scovel Shinn.

"In 1925, Florence Scovel Shinn made her debut on the metaphysical scene with her first book, The Game of Life and How to Play It. Not long after this, I was born.

Although Ms. Shinn died in 1940, I have long felt a kinship with her. I first came across her work in 1972 as I was beginning my own exploration of the metaphysical world, and I have been enamored of her ever since. I resonated with her no-nonsense way of writing—her words spoke to me, and I became a devoted follower. I often quoted her affirmations and shared them with my own students.

Last year a rare-book dealer found a small, typewritten unpublished manuscript of the last writings of Florence Scovel Shinn. I received a letter from them asking if Hay House would have any interest in it. Life works in the most wondrous ways. I am continuously astounded as my good comes to me. That this work would be found and come into my hand, just amazed me. 

Read excerpt 1 and excerpt 2 for a taste of what you’ll find in this beautiful little treasure. I hope you enjoy it." ~ Louise Hay

Louise Hay Videos

Watch this powerful video with Louise about creating your life.

Also enjoy the 3 videos below.

Source of Louise Hay Affirmations

The Louise Hay affirmations found on this site are from the I Can Do It Affirmations Cards and Louise's bestselling book You Can Heal Your Life.

I use both the book and the cards on a regular basis. Every time I pick up a card or re-read a chapter or paragraph of You Can Heal Your Life, I feel as if yet another part of me has been transformed into more of the me that I want to be!

Affirmations That Work

Are you wondering what affirmations are, how to use affirmations, or how to write your own affirmations?

Finding out is a whole lot of fun and will transform your life on every level.

For more information visit Affirmations That Work and Affirmations Made Easy.

More Affirmations

Explore more affirmations with Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn.

Enjoy Prosperity Affirmations by Louise Hay
Enjoy Love Affirmations by Louise Hay

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