Below you will find 12 free PDF books on self improvement.
Over the years I have searched for each of these books individually and always thought it would be great to find them in one place.
Bringing these books together was the idea that sparked the Law of Attraction Haven.
While these books are all wonderful...I love each and every one of them...remember that the answers you seek are within.
You are truly Divine and infinitely blessed.
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Neville Goddard
Wealth & Prosperity
Personal Development
Health & Fitness
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I'm often asked who my favorite author is, so I thought I'd put together this list.
If I was forced to choose only one, it would be Neville Goddard.
US Andersen
Joseph Benner
Neville Goddard Books
Napoleon Hill
Joseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy Lectures
Catherine Ponder
Florence Scovel Shinn
Wallace D Wattles
Read these best-selling Law of Attraction Books.
Learn more about Dr Joseph Murphy and own 8 of his lectures for a heavily discounted price.
The following 8 lectures are included in a 368-page PDF, which can be read on any device:
You also have access to Joseph Murphy's book bundle which includes the following 5 books:
I've always thought the term 'self improvement' was odd.
I understand it means to improve on the person you are, but it's odd to me because I believe who we really are is magnificent. I think we are the light of the world. I think we are God/Universe/Infinity/Source encapsulated in a physical body.
get it though, depending on who we are, sometimes, or most times, we
don't believe we are breathtakingly beautiful and we think we need
outside help and that's okay.
If that outside help gets us back on track to remembering that we are ALL THAT IS, then there's no harm done.
The easiest way to self improvement is baby steps. One thing at a time, one day at a time. When someone asks me what they can do to start helping themselves right away, I always suggest these three areas.
Go for a walk every day. It doesn't have to be a high speed, knock-yourself-out marathon, unless of course that's what you want to do. If you're not used to exercising just take it easy. Go around the block once and enjoy every single minute of it. Don't worry about the weather - it's going to do what it's going to do - don't use it as an excuse to stay indoors. Just enjoy yourself and do whatever level of activity feels best for you.
Also drink some water during your day. If you never do, then start with one glass - it's better than what you were doing previously! If you feel like 2 liters of water today, than drink 2 liters. There are far too many "shoulds" in this life. Just do what you feel is best for you and your body and soul.
I know there are "have to's" in life. Remember though, to leave some space for what you love to do - everyday if you can. I love to read free PDF books on metaphysics. I love to explore the invisible realms. I love to do this everyday! Whatever it is that you love to do - do it today.
I believe the reason we get tired is because we are so often doing things that we don't want to do. If we can counter the "have to's" with the "I really, really want to's" life will get easier and we will feel happier.
Meditation puts us in touch with the infinite part of ourselves. It is where the answers to our deepest questions and desires lay awaiting our acknowledgement.
For 15 minutes a day, switch off from the illusion of life and join the realms where reality is created. When you feel more peaceful within and have a more balanced outlook, you will have so much more to offer yourself and others.
You know, it doesn't matter how we do things or what we do, if we are happy and relaxed, the Universe in all of its omnipotent magnificence will tend to us.
For more on self improvement check out our affirmations from Louise Hay, Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn.
Find more Free PDF Books on the law of attraction and metaphysics on page 1, page 2, page 3 and page 4.
You also have access to books on Wealth and Prosperity, Personal Development, and Health and Fitness.
Explore our collection of online hypnotherapy audios, carefully designed by professional hypnotherapist educators with a proven track record of success and over a million downloads. Browse the full selection here.
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Explore our collection of online hypnotherapy audios, carefully designed by professional hypnotherapist educators with a proven track record of success and over a million downloads. Browse the full selection here.
You can check out our 5-star ratings and reviews here.
You can also learn hypnosis with this free video training course.
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