One of the major secrets to being successful in your life and attracting all your heart’s desires is having the ability to bypass your conscious mind so that you can access the immense powers of your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind uses approximately 90 percent of your total mind power as opposed to the 10 percent of your brain that you utilize in your normal waking state.
The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful and will accept any belief or image that you submit to it without question. It will then act on your instructions, which are uploaded via your beliefs, to bring your vibration into complete harmony with everything you desire.
In order for you to attract your desires into your life, you have to know precisely what you want and how to ask for it. Most importantly, however, you have to 'vibrate' in harmony with your desires by believing that you have everything you desire right now. In other words, you have to believe that all that you desire already exists in your life and you have to feel as though you are already experiencing and enjoying those desires.
This is where the power of positive affirmations comes into play. The conscious, rational mind will always work to reject anything that doesn't appear to be logical, attainable, or to be a reality. It doesn't know at a conscious level, that you are infinitely powerful and capable of realizing your desires and living the life that you've dreamed of.
Therefore, your conscious mind will always reject those things that it doesn't agree with and will also block your wishes accordingly.
Fortunately, because your subconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind, all you need to do is use the power of positive thinking to impress your greatest wishes and heart’s desires onto the subconscious mind.
Doing this will cause you to know, subconsciously, that your desires already exist. In turn, this will cause you to vibrate in harmony with your desire and it will ultimately appear in your life as reality.
Daily positive affirmations are nothing more than positive statements that declare specific goals as if they have already happened. While they may sound simple, they are incredibly powerful mantras that can have a profound effect both on the conscious and subconscious mind, as well as on the actions that you take to achieve the life that you desire.
We are surrounded every day by negative messages from the world around us. The media, our family, and even well-meaning friends can impose limiting beliefs on us that greatly diminish our belief that anything is possible. These limiting beliefs are often continually repeated to us throughout our childhood and well into adulthood and are, in many cases, ultimately how we end up defining who we are and what we can accomplish.
Unfortunately, we often end up internalizing the negative messages that we are constantly bombarded with and they become our truth. The truths that are formed with these limited beliefs can hold us back from our hopes, dreams and goals and keep us from stepping into our true potential. It should come as no surprise that our physical reality matches these limiting beliefs - because our external world is always a reflection of our inner world.
Unfortunately, will power isn't enough to create change. When you have negative self-talk and when you are going through your life with limiting beliefs, such as 'I don't deserve it' or 'that's just the way it is,' the negativity ends up canceling out any action or effort that you make, every time. To create change in your life, you have to let go of the negative thoughts and images that you associate with your life, and fill your mind with new ideas that are positive, and that support you in creating the change you desire.
Daily positive affirmations work to replace these old limiting beliefs, pessimistic thoughts, and negative self-talk with positive statements that affirm who you want to be and what you want to experience in your life.
When you repeat an affirmation over and over again, it begins to change the way that you think as well as what you believe is possible. Energetically repeating affirmations raises your vibration so that you become attractive to what you desire to draw into your life.
Affirmations expand your thinking so that you begin to believe that anything is possible. When you start to think that something is possible, chances are that you will proceed with certainty and confidence and not let obstacles set you back. It is also likely that you will discover creative solutions to achieve the outcomes that you ultimately desire.
What you think and talk about the most, as well as the beliefs you hold onto, is what you ultimately attract in your life. Positive thinking attracts positive experiences and outcomes, just as negative thinking attracts negative experiences and outcomes.
There are a plethora of resources available right now to help you achieve your goals, but when we affirm that something isn't possible or allow negative thinking to take over our minds, we end up shutting ourselves off from those resources, and our dreams and desires don't manifest. When our minds are full of negative thoughts, we don't have access to opportunities and we don't understand how to create the changes that we desire.
On the other hand, when we use positive affirmations to affirm the outcomes that we desire, over and over again, we are training our minds to believe that it is possible. When you can open yourself up to what is possible, then your subconscious mind gets to work to find the creative solutions and the means for achieving your dreams, goals, and all that you desire in your life.
Thousands of people use daily affirmations to manifest their desires. Many of these people are able to find success, but far more never see results from their daily practice. This isn't to say that affirmations don't work, but instead, that they aren't being used correctly. You have to understand that positive affirmations aren't about the words that you say or the phrases that you repeat; they are about the idea that those words convey, as well as about the feeling you get from repeating the phrases.
For affirmations to work, you need to feel good while thinking or repeating them. This is the basic principle behind the Law of Attraction. If you don’t feel positive emotions while repeating the statement, then it isn’t the right affirmation for you.
Here are some things to keep in mind when using positive affirmations to attract your desires.
If you want to ensure that your affirmations will work, you have to believe in them. Affirmations that are half-hearted or empty will never work for you. You need to genuinely believe in the statement that you are repeating if you want it to work.
For example, if you are repeating to yourself that you are successful, but you don't really feel successful, you need to consider changing your affirmation. Perhaps, as you're starting out with affirmations, you can state that you are capable of being successful. Once you feel the reality of this statement you can then shift your affirmation to state that you are successful.
Try to start with a statement that allows you to know that you are perfectly capable of manifesting your desires. Once you begin to honestly believe that it is possible, then you will begin to take the actions to prove to yourself that you are right.
Take some time to write down the negative thoughts that are currently floating around in your mind. Then carefully examine each of the negative thoughts and write down a positive statement to demolish that negative belief. Using self-generated content that is specific to your particular problem will help you to better connect with the affirmation.
When you write down your affirmations, starting with the phrase, “I am,” can help to make it more meaningful.
When you are creating your positive
affirmations to combat your negative beliefs, make sure that they
are simple, short, and direct. These qualities will make your affirmations more
memorable. Keeping your affirmations short and straightforward,
makes them easy to say and to remember.
When it comes to creating positive affirmations that are effective, you have to make sure that they focus on what you DO want rather than what you DON'T want. Make sure you avoid using negative statements. Positive affirmations are much more powerful and have better clarity of purpose. It is also essential to frame your affirmations in the present tense as if the situation you are affirming is already happening.
When you first speak your affirmation, it may seem utterly unbelievable to you. However, by following a daily routine of repeating the statement, you can instill the power of positive thinking into your subconscious mind. This allows your mind to become more open and receptive to the new information that you are feeding it. As you move through the days, your confidence starts to build, and you are better able to direct your thoughts toward achieving your goal. To make the most out of your positive affirmations, repeat them for five minutes, at least two to three times a day.
Having passion, excitement, and energy around your affirmation will get you into a positive vibe and make you believe you are already living it. Be happy and do what your heart desires if you want your aspirations to come true.
Adding strong emotions to your affirmations will raise their intent to an entirely new level.
Incorporate creative visualization into your affirmation practice to make your affirmations seem more real and encourage you to take immediate action. Feel it, taste it, hear it, see it, smell it. Engage entirely with your vision and affirmation and sense every detail of the desire that you wish to manifest. Doing this will encourage you to move forward and manifest the reality you desire.
The more you can infuse every part of your day with positive affirmations, the more they will become an automatic part of your thinking. You will start to believe, with certainty, that your goals are indeed happening and you will take the necessary action to achieve them. When you move forward with this kind of confidence, the Universe will meet you halfway, in fact more than halfway, to help you manifest your desires.
When positive affirmations are used daily, they can help you create rapid and positive changes in virtually every aspect of your life. So, start using positive affirmations in your daily life today and be amazed at how quickly you can begin to attract the love, appreciation, success, and abundance that you have always desired.
If you're looking for ready-made affirmations, The Daily Affirmation Handbook is a comprehensive guide with 365 affirmations for attracting health, wealth and happiness into your life.
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Enjoy affirmations with Louise Hay, Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn.
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